A Loss for the Hometown but a Win for Those in Need

By Norma Richman

High Point’s Third Graders Make the Largest Haul Yet

In the Super Bowl’s lowest scoring game to date, the Patriots routed the Rams 13-3.  Not only was this a low scoring competition, there was not even a touchdown on the score board until the third quarter. The big winners, despite hometown disappointment, were members of our community who regularly need help with putting food on the table.

Third graders, led by Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Flanagan, started their Souper Bowl 2019 campaign early with a poster blitz that blanketed the campus with signs touting the two teams and reminding families to check their pantries for cans of hearty soups. As the class designed and colored their posters, they also discussed what it means to help others: a lesson they seemed to have taken to heart. Two days before the Super Bowl, students set up tables for can collection, and the initiative took off.  High Point students greeted drivers at drop-off time in the morning and ran the cans to the tables for tallying. The count was later double-checked for accuracy (a math lesson, to boot), and the total was official: Rams—181 cans to Patriots—28 cans.


While the two professional football teams came to the Super Bowl with some controversy, it was clear that High Point’s third grade class knew what they were doing. The can count represents the highest total since Souper Bowl records have been recorded. The soups were delivered immediately to the local charity Friends in Deed for distribution to those in need. After some time to reflect on their accomplishment, third graders offered up wisdom and thoughtful observations.

Max S. said, “I think it was important to hold the Souper Bowl because everyone should get to root for their favorite team, and the can drive was to help the homeless.  It meant a lot to me because of the people who don’t have food.”

Briya P. echoed that sentiment: “So, the soup can drive, I really liked it because some people don’t have money to buy food for themselves.  The soup is donated and already paid for.”

“Well, I think it’s important to help everyone that can’t help themselves,” stated Aden Z. “It made me feel good because I saw the Rams table was bigger and I was happy because the hungry people get food—especially chicken noodle soup,” he added.

Annika R., Katia J., Briya P.
Connor C., Adeline W., Amanda H., Katia J.

Briya agreed: “It made me feel happy because it could be helpful to people who don’t have a lot of money or a car to go shopping.”

Ariana H. summed up the experience this way: “It was a win-win for the homeless and for High Point.  It made me feel nice and warm and happy to know people would have a nice lunch or dinner.”

A win-win indeed!

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